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Israel: Bishop expresses concern after stone attack on parish at Mass

Bishop Shomail

Bishop Shomail

On Saturday evening, May 28, 2016, a congregation attending Mass in Rehovot, Israel, were attacked by a hail of stones as they prayed. The courtyard of the Chapel of St Therese of Lisieux, was filled with people who had come for the celebration of Mass for Corpus Christi - there was not enough room inside the chapel to accommodate everyone.

During the Mass, a group of boys, aged about 14, twice, threw stones at people praying in the courtyard. The Vicariate's website for the Hebrew-speaking Catholics in Israel, reports that "providentially the stones did not do any harm."

Bishop William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar, expressed deep concern, while stressing the urgency to offer these young people an education based on respect for others and their beliefs.

He said: "It is sad that people in prayer, for most part, women working in Rehovot Jewish homes, were the victims of a hail of stones while they were in prayer. Once again, we draw attention to the culture of contempt for others that exists in some Israeli circles, and the need to find solutions to cure society of radicalism and intolerance. It is true that these are young 14 year olds. However, adults and teachers take full responsibility."

Following this incident, the Vicariate for Hebrew-speaking Catholics in Israel also launched an appeal to raise funds to find a larger building and safer location to accommodate the faithful of the Rehovot area.

The Catholic community in Rehovot has grown in recent years. Filipino carers, who founded the community, now host large numbers of migrant caregivers from India, Sri Lanka and Africa, as well as students from both academic institutions in Rehovot, the Weizmann Institute and the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University.

Source: Myriam Ambroselli, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem


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