New play: 'Romero – Heartbeat of El Salvador'

The London premier of ’Romero – Heartbeat of El Salvador' will be performed by RISE Theatre on Friday, 9 June in Notre Dame de France, Leicester Square, as part of the Spirit in the City Festival.
Presented in association with the Archbishop Romero Trust - in the year which marks Bl Oscar Romero’s 100th birthday - the play explores the life and legacy of a man who chose to challenge those in power and stand up for social justice.
The true story of Romero and the people of El Salvador is brought to life with explosive energy and passion by Rise theatre, accompanied by an original sound track from Joshua James Otto and inspiring graffiti set design by Gage Graphics.
Love is a heartbeat...
Heartbeat of El Salvador' begins 7.30pm in Notre Dame de France on Friday 9 June.
Doors open at 7pm. The show will be followed by a reception. Tickets £10 (conc. students, 60+, unemployed, groups 10+)
Book tickets online here or at 02074402663