How to help a migrant Calais minor this summer

Maria Skobtsova House, Calais
Source: Westminster Justice and Peace
WESTMINSTER JUSTICE AND PEACE & MARIA SKOBTSOVA HOUSE (The Calais Catholic Worker House, offering emergency hospitality to young refugees) have launched an appeal.
There is a new and growing crisis where asylum seekers are gathering again in Calais, but this time mostly young people who have lost connection with family and friends. Brother Johannes Maertens of Maria Skobtsova House writes: “Next to accommodation we offer also on almost a daily base to young and vulnerable refugees a shower, a meal, tea, do their laundry and we offer them to spend some time in a house. Through the offer of this basic help we can accompany more than 10 unaccompanied minors under 16 and many other young refugees. As we are serving more people than ever before we are using more of our resources than planned.”
In September and October 2016, with the imminent closure of the Calais Jungle, the UK government agreed to admit those unaccompanied minors who would otherwise be left stranded. Quickly after the closure, the UK withdrew its promise, and numbers of young people have been drifting back there with even less support than before. Humanitarian charities are trying to feed and shelter them, against a firm determination of the authorities not to allow a build-up of the camp as before. So Maria Skobstova House welcomes as many youngsters as possible, either giving them accommodation or welcoming them daily into the house giving showers, clothes food and simply a place to be off the streets.
Gifts are welcome Brother Johannes writes : For Personal use: Shower gel, shampoo, toothbrushes, body cream or oil (like Vaseline, Nivea), Socks 36-43 Boxer shorts S/M (No Large please), Sport shoes 39-40-41, Pocket nail cutter (Also helpful: Power bank mobiles). Clothes for young men are welcome, BUT PLEASE FOR NOW ONLY small size T-shirts and jeans! WE HAVE ENOUGH TOWELS AND TOOTHPASTE thank you! For the house: Disinfectant, All-purpose cleaner, Anti-scalant, Toilet cleaner, Washing powder or liquid (mostly colour wash, Laundry Stain remover, Softener, Calgon, Washing-up liquid, Tablets and liquid for the dishwasher, Toilet paper. Food: Ground Coffee and lots of MILK - the youngest ones really drink a lot of it. (J&P advise: Buy it at French supermarkets if you visit, or send money, as suggested below)
Justice and Peace will visit Calais in the last week of August (28 -1 September). If you have any of the items, please transport them to our office during the coming few weeks (phone 0208 888 4222 or St John Vianney Parish 0208 888 5518) for storage. We have no collection service up till then.
Or if you decide to make the trip yourself with goods, contact Brother Johannes to arrange a convenient time: 0033 6 68 04 33. 170 Rue Anatole France Calais.
Donations Direct, or Justgiving welcome!
Justice and Peace invites anyone to make smaller donations via its Justgiving site, using this link:
Fill in details if you are a tax payer, as then the giftaid can be applied.
APPEAL ENDS 31 August 2017