Southwark: Mass to mark Bl Oscar Romero centenary

Bl Oscar Romero
August 15th 2017 marks the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero, the archbishop of San Salvador who was assassinated for speaking out on behalf of the poor and oppressed during his country’s military dictatorship.
In the London diocese of Southwark tomorrow, 12 August at 12.30pm, a Mass will be celebrated at St George's Cathedral. The Archbishop of Southwark Peter Smith will preside at the Mass while Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia will travel from Rome to preach the homily.
Archbishop Paglia currently serves as head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the St John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. He is also the postulator of the cause for canonisation of Archbishop Romero.
After the Mass there will be a Reception and a screening of the new film, The Claim - Archbishop Romero, his people & Pope Francis - ending at 4pm.
For more information see: