Make a virtual visit to Lourdes on Feast of the Assumption

From morning to night, the cameras are always on at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. What better day to make an virtual visit than the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady tomorrow. It is possible to watch all the Masses and processions on TV Lourdes as they happen. Many events are also recorded for future viewing - and you can sponsor a prayer intention at the Grotto.
In the morning, the International Mass at Lourdes will be consecrated at 10am on the Prairie of the Sanctuary and will be presided over by Mgr Nicolas Brouwet, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes
The full timetable follows below:
6.00am - Mass in Vietnamese (Grotto)
6.45am - Mass in Italian (Grotto)
7.30am - Mass in English (Grotto)
10am - International Mass for the Feast of the Assumption, presided over by Mgr Nicolas Brouwet, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes (on the Prairie opposite the Grotto), followed by the Angelus live on TV Lourdes
2.30pm - Recitation of the Rosary (Grotto) - in Portuguese live on TV Lourdes
3pm - Prayer for France (Grotto) - in French with the National Pilgrimage of the Assumption live on TV Lourdes
3.30pm - Recitation of the Rosary (Grotto) - in French
4.30pm - Eucharistic Procession
6pm - Recitation of the Rosary (Grotto) - in Italian
9pm - Marian Torchlight Procession (leaving from the Grotto)
11pm - Mass in Italian (Grotto)
11.30pm - Eucharistic Adoration (Grotto)