CAFOD rushes aid to flood-hit South Asia
Devastating flooding across South Asia displacing 41 million people and resulting in the deaths of more than 1,000 people is expected to get worse as the monsoon rains continue. CAFOD’s partners are responding in all three countries providing urgent support to the most vulnerable and marginalised communities devastated by the floods.
Laxmi Joshi, Caritas Nepal’s Disaster Management Program Manager, said: “Many houses are still inundated with water, and people are having to live outside their homes. They can’t cook food, and so we are supporting them with dry food for now. It is still raining at night, and the flood waters are not receding. If the situation continues, waterborne diseases and health problems could be a major challenge.”
CAFOD Director Chris Bain said: “The devastation of 41 million people displaced by the flooding in South Asia risks becoming a hidden emergency as the world’s attention focuses elsewhere. The Church has been at the forefront of the emergency response but there is still much more to be done. We urge our supporters to stand with us in prayer with these affected communities and to donate to our Appeal so we can continue to support those in the hardest to reach communities.”
CAFOD and the Caritas network are providing emergency relief to those affected with an emphasis on preventing the spread of waterborne diseases through the delivery of additional health, hygiene and sanitation support. More funding is needed to continue this life saving work.
In Nepal, 143 people have died, 91,400 families have been displaced and an estimated 65,000 homes have been destroyed. CAFOD’s partner Caritas Nepal is providing flood-affected families with cooked meals as well as dried goods, clean drinking water and temporary shelter.
In India, the death toll is a staggering 719 and more than 1.1million people have been displaced. An innumerable number of schools, hospitals and other public buildings across all three countries have also been damaged by the floods. CAFOD is working alongside Caritas India supporting families by providing temporary accommodation and the distribution of personal hygiene and sanitation kits for women and girls.
In Bangladesh, nearly one third of the country is submerged, resulting in the death of more than 140 people; almost 200,000 being displaced and affecting a further 8.2 million people. Caritas Bangladesh are also providing emergency relief support to those affected.
Although August is typically monsoon season in the region, the incessant rainfall has led to the worst flooding seen in the region in decades. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have warned that increased climate variability brings an increased risk of floods.
CAFOD has launched a South Asia Floods Appeal. To donate visit