Countdown to Embrace Liverpool

Jo Boyce from CJM Music
Embrace Liverpool is making a bigger and better comeback in 2017, after a year's break. This year's conference will be the third event held in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool.
Embrace is a one-day, Catholic youth conference aimed at young people aged 14 - 25 (Year 9+). It is a vibrant and exciting day of talks, workshops, praise & worship (this year to be lead by CJM Music), times of prayer, Adoration, oportunity for Reconciliation, with the day culminating with the celebration of Mass with Archbishop Malcolm, others bishops, and priests from the across the diocese and beyond. A range of communities, charities and religious orders will also be present, exhibiting the true richness and diversity of the Church. This year's speakers, workshop leaders and performers include: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP, Ros Powell, Maximillian Ford, Franciscan Sisters and Friars of the Renewal, Jo Boyce, 'Living Joyfully' Vocations team, Sr Maria Natella, Mary's Meals, Joe and Sarah Wells and RISEtheatre.
The Embrace team write: "This year, Embrace is going to take place on Saturday 25th November 2017, to conincide with the celebration of the feast of Christ the King and National Youth Sunday. Our theme this year is CALLED.
"Building on the success of Embrace '14, Embrace '15 was a resounding success. We have brilliant feedback from many young people who attended the day, with many of them commenting how much they received from the day and how it helped to renew and strengthen their faith. We are hoping that Embrace '17 will be the biggest conference so far, and facilitate a deep and meaningful encouter with Jesus Christ for many young people.
"This year's poster can be downloaded from our website or hard copies can be posted to your school (please email
"It would be a great help if these could be displayed in your school and a trip was arranged. The conference is free of charge and we are certain that both staff and students will receive greatly from participating. If your school can attend Embrace '17, please register your group online, which can be completed via our website ( If your school would like to assist with the conference by either placing an advert in our conference programme, or by contributing to the liturgy please do get in touch.
Please help us to spread the word and keep our preparations in your prayers. "
For more information see: