Scotland: Funeral arrangements for Archbishop Emeritus Cardinal O'Brien

The Requiem Mass of Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien RIP will take place at the Church of St Michael, Westmoreland Road, Newcastle on Thursday 5 April at 1pm. As requested by the Holy See, the main celebrant and homilist will be His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. Donations to SCIAF's Lenten campaign in lieu of flowers please.
The internment of the body of the late Cardinal O'Brien will then take place at Mount Vernon Cemetery, Edinburgh on 6 April at 1pm.
The Cardinal's body will be laid to rest in the grave of his mother and father. This was in accordance with wishes expressed by Cardinal O'Brien himself.
The funeral arrangements were agreed following consultation with the family of Cardinal O'Brien, the executor of his will, and the Holy See as represented by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster.
At the request of the family, there will be no filming or recording during the Requiem Mass.