US Bishops disappointed by failure of Congress to enact Conscience Protection Act

Cardinal Dolan
Source: USCCB
Cardinal Timothy M Dolan of New York, chair of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Archbishop Joseph E Kurtz of Louisville, chair of the USCCB's Committee for Religious Liberty, has reacted with "deep disappointment" to the news that "a very modest but critical piece of legislation" - the Conscience Protection Act - was not included in the 2018 appropriations bill just released by Congress.
The full statement follows:
"The failure of Congress to include the Conscience Protection Act in the 2018 omnibus appropriations bill is deeply disappointing. The CPA is an extraordinarily modest bill that proposes almost no change to existing conscience protection laws on abortion - laws that receive wide public and bi-partisan support. The CPA simply proposes to provide victims of discrimination with the ability to defend their rights in court to help ensure that no one is forced to participate in abortion. Those inside and outside of Congress who worked to defeat the CPA have placed themselves squarely into the category of extremists who insist that all Americans must be forced to participate in the violent act of abortion. We call on Congress not to give up until this critical legislation is enacted."