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Pope Francis: Christians are called to make choices

Source: Vatican Media

Pope Francis asked for prayers for peace in Syria and invited Christians to be joyful and grateful for the grace of Baptism, during his address to pilgrims in St Peter's Square, at Wednesday's General Audience. Continued his catecheses on the Sacrament of Baptism he gave a reflection on the powerful symbolism of water, which is the source of life and wellbeing, but can also be a cause of death "when it submerges all things."

The Pope recalled the many instances described in the Bible in which God intervenes or makes promises through 'signs' of water, including Jesus' own baptism in the river Jordan and the water that flowed from his side upon the cross.

In blessing the water of the baptismal font, he explained, the Church prays it may become the source of new life in Christ and the cleansing of sin through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Though Baptism, he said, the Church invokes the action of the Holy Spirit so that those who receive the Sacrament may enter into the saving mystery of Christ's death and resurrection, "and with Him rise to immortal life."

Once one has been sanctified by the baptismal font, to be able to gain access to salvation, the Pope said, "one must open one's heart" and renounce Satan. Reminding those present that the Devil divides, while God always unites, Pope Francis said that it is not possible to be both with God and with the Devil.

He said that one cannot adhere to Christ by "laying down conditions" but that "it is necessary to detach oneself from certain ties in order to be able to embrace others"... When we decide to undertake the path of life and salvation, it is necessary to actively reject the Devil and all of his works and go forth, together, in faith.

As a sign of our decision to live this mystery of new and eternal life, the Pope said, we are called to proclaim our faith and whenever we bless ourselves with holy water, we should recall, with gratitude, the gift that we received on the day of our Baptism.

After the catechesis the Pope had a special greeting for a group of young Syrians who arrived in Rome with a Caritas Poland project. Giving them his blessing, he invited them to "pray for peace in the world, in particular for the Middle East and for Syria."


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