Schola Affectus writes on Disrupting Funerals

AMDG. A glut of funerals here at St Ignatius, North London, has made me curious about the whole funeral business. Every minute there are over 100 deaths on the planet, in an ageing population such as the UK, the Death Rate is climbing, in 2016 there were over 560,000. Losing a loved one involves a lot of grief and people are very vulnerable at these moments, when families are sadly open to exploitation.
As a business, it seems ripe for disruption and reform. I have been surprised about the costs and the variation in prices on what is a similar service. On the face of it, funerals are a predictable, low risk, high margin business with a steady supply of uninformed loyal customers. The more unscrupulous directors seem, the more likely to sell things what the customers do not know they can refuse, or feel too embarrassed to question. It's not a business where it feels right to haggle, though that might be changing.
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