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Charismatic Day of Prayer and Praise at Turvey Abbey

There will be a Charismatic Day of Prayer and Praise at the Monastery of Christ Our Saviour, (Turvey Abbey) MK43 8DH on Saturday June 23rd from 10am to 4pm. Entitled: The Power of our Baptism in Christ, the day will include talks, praise and worship and prayer ministry. Mass will be celebrated by Brother John.

Suggested donation £10 (for the monks) pay on the day, no need to book. Refreshments will be provided, please bring a plate of food for a shared lunch. Please bring your Bible.

Please enter the Monastery at Jacks Lane by the speed camera, take the 1st drive on the left where someone will direct you to park.
All welcome, bring a friend.

For further information call Pat (Turvey) 01234 881617 - Or if you need a lift Mary (Hunsbury) 01604 762727 and Kate (Towcester) 01327 811748



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