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CTBI Resources for Creation Time 2018

Source: CTBI

Resources are now available from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) for observation of Creation Time or the Season of Creation 2018. It runs from 1 September - 4 October (the Feast of St Francis of Assisi). They have been produced by various church groups:

A Rocha UK

A Rocha UK is encouraging churches to celebrate Creation Time 2018 by holding a Green Communion - a communion service that celebrates the wonder of God's Earth, expresses our gratitude for it through liturgy, songs and prayers, and recognises our responsibility to care for it.

CAFOD - World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Pope Francis has established 1 September as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, calling the Catholic community around the world to pray for our common home. This September will be the fourth annual World Day of Prayer. CAFOD has produced ideas, liturgy and prayers to help you respond to Pope Francis' call to care for the gift of God's creation.

Church of England

This year's Creationtide resources include new morning, evening and all age liturgy; readings and discussion materials for each day; and a daily action sheet focused on food to guide you through the season.

Eco-Congregation Scotland

Material for Creation Time 2018 from Eco-Congregation Scotland comes from an ecumenical writing group, with contributors from the Church of Scotland, the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the United Reformed Church (URC). It follows the theme of 'Passing our Planet on: God's Gift to us', linking to Scotland's Year of Young People and reflecting on passing the planet on from one generation to the next, and the gifts given to us by God to support and guide us in our care for creation. The resources include reflections on the readings for each Sunday, sermon thoughts, all age address ideas, and prayers and hymns.

All resources can be downloaded at:


Sisters of the Holy Cross

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