Cardinal Burke resigns from Dignitatis Humanae Institute
American Cardinal Raymond Burke announced his resignation from the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, in a letter posted on his Twitter feed yesterday.
Cardinal Burke wrote: "I have been made aware of a June 24th LifeSiteNews online article - now removed - entitled 'Steve Bannon hints at making film exposing homosexuality in the Vatican' in which the insinuation is made that somehow, through my association with Mr Benjamin Harnwell of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute I was involved in a meeting between Mr Bannon and Mr Frederic Martel, author of the book, In the Closet of the Vatican' to promote a film version of Mr Martel's book. LifeSiteNews made no contact with me to verify my possible involvement. Given the overall content of the article and given several statements made by Mr Bannon in the article I must make the following clear:
"I do not in any way agree with Mr Bannon's assessment of the book in question. Furthermore, I am not at all of the mind that the book should be made into a film. I disagree completely with a number of Mr Bannon's statements regarding the doctrine and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church . Above all I find objectionable his statement calling into question the Church's discipline of perpetual continence for the clergy in accord with the example and desire of Christ, Head and Shepherd of the Church.
"I have never worked with Mr Bannon in his organisation and a not presently doing so. I have met with him on occasion to discuss Catholic social teaching regarding certain political questions, but I have no part in his organisation. In meeting with him and in meeting with other political leaders I have tried to fulfil my mission as a priest to teach the faith and morals for the common good.
I have been involved with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute for some years because of its work to support Christians in public life who act with respect for the moral law and therefore promote the common good. Some weeks ago I was named Honorary President of the Institute. In recent times it has become more and more identified with the political program of Mr Bannon. While I have urged the institute to return to its original purpose of promoting the respect of human dignity it has not done so, as is evident in its involvement with this latest initiative of Mr Bannon. I have therefore, effective immediately, terminated any relationship with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute."
Earlier this month the Italian Ministry for Culture revoked a license it had granted to the Dignitatis Humanae Institute to manage a state-owned historic monument - the former Carthusian monastery of Trisulti. The ministry cited irregularities in the bidding process and a breach of contract. The monastery was being used as the headquarters of the institute.