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Christian Art Today - I have found my sheep that was lost

The Lost Sheep, by Alfred Usher Soord, Oil on canvas,1898, © Alfred Usher Soord

The Lost Sheep, by Alfred Usher Soord, Oil on canvas,1898, © Alfred Usher Soord

Gospel of 28th June 2019 - Luke 15: 3-7

Jesus spoke this parable to the scribes and Pharisees:

'What man among you with a hundred sheep, losing one, would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the missing one till he found it? And when he found it, would he not joyfully take it on his shoulders and then, when he got home, call together his friends and neighbours? "Rejoice with me," he would say "I have found my sheep that was lost." In the same way, I tell you, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over ninety-nine virtuous men who have no need of repentance.'


This painting captures the essence of the parable in today's Gospel reading. We see a sheep in a perilous position on side of a cliff and in grave danger of falling into the abyss. A bird of prey is hovering around and ready to make its move, adding to the drama of the very moment that the shepherd is reaching out.

To read on see:


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