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Wales: Swansea school marches on Mumbles for Climate Change

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Source: CAFOD

Pupils from St David's Catholic Primary school in Swansea have been campaigning all month in an effort to reduce climate change, culminating in a march on the Mumbles.

The school decided to start campaigning when they saw charity CAFOD's 'Zero to Hero' campaign, which was launched in an effort to get communities to head towards a future with zero waste.

Every member of the school decided to get involved - organising events ranging from writing letters to local politicians to taking part in a march to raise awareness in their local community.

"We started by looking at the different pollutions and worked in groups to make models using recycled materials," explained pupils Isabella and Reuben.

"We then asked our Headteacher whether we could do a protest walk to try and make people more aware of how they are damaging our country. When walking people beeped their horns, cheered and clapped. They said we were doing a good job and were very encouraging.

"We want people to reduce, reuse and recycle. We want a greener world NOW. We are the ones who can make a difference."

The 'Zero to Hero' campaign was launched this year by international development charity CAFOD in an effort to help the next generation understand how we can meet 'net zero' targets - which will keep the environment in balance.

The Headteacher at St David's, Ms Richards, said: "I am passionate about pupils being educated on climate change, and I want pupils to be active and curious in their approach to learning. In the last year, the PTA has set up a scheme 'St David's Community Recycling' and this has been a huge success for our school and pupils.

"The 'Zero to Hero' campaign has given our pupils the opportunity to be heard in their school and the local area."

The school hopes to continue campaigning - and making small changes in their daily lives like recycling and using less plastic.

Therese Warwick, CAFOD's representative in Swansea, said: "It is amazing to see the support from the whole community for this event, and to see how enlightened the pupils are about climate change and the devastating effects it can have. This march has gained the support of local MP's, and opened up a conversation on ways to use sustainable energy, and live a cleaner lifestyle to limit the effects of climate change - so the next generation can have a better tomorrow."

To get involved and start your own 'Zero to Hero' campaign follow the link below:


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