Multi-faith children's summer camp in Borehamwood
A Borehamwood-based organisation, Camp Unity, is providing children and their families with opportunities to meet other cultures and foster friendships, leading to greater community cohesion and the celebration of diversity. The camp is from Monday 26th - Friday 30th August this year.
The multi-faith Camp Unity is being run by the combined goodwill and volunteer efforts of five faith organisations in Borehamwood, including representatives from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim community.
The six organisers are; Father Dominic McKenna of the Catholic Parishes, Sister Rumbi Hitchcock from the St John Apostolic Church of the World, Kashif Merchant from the Islamic community, Rivka David and Rabbi Jeff Berger of the Jewish community, and Cllr Victor Eni of Cowley Hill District.
"By investing in the well-being of our children we hope this will also lead to them acquiring more confidence and stronger leadership skills which will also serve our town's interest," said Fr Dominic.
"We believe one of the best ways to promote better social cohesion in Borehamwood & Elstree is to start with young children of primary school age, to give them an experience engaging with nature and each other in a safe, nurturing and wholesome atmosphere," said Camp Director Rivka David. "The children are thriving."
"We've seen that our faith communities are robust and resilient but that they tend to be self-segregating and know little about each other. Our aim is to melt some of these barriers and build long-lasting friendships," said Rabbi Jeff Berger.
The Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Robert Voss CBE visited Camp Unity this week. The camp has about 35 children and is funded by locality grants from a handful of County and Borough Councillors, food grants from CARITAS Westminster, The Felix Project, plus private donations.
The camp provides three vegetarian, nut-free (Kosher/Halal) meals per day. Children are enjoying crafts activities like making slime and sun catchers along with sports activities like archery, wall climbing and more. In addition to roasting marshmallows and learning campfire songs, with a bit of ingenuity, Camp Unity even had an outdoor cinema!
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