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Bishop John Arnold launches Live Simply cookbook

  • Elouise Hobbs

The Bishop of Salford has officially launched The Live Simply Book of Recipes and Tips which was written and produced by a group of dedicated volunteers in Oxford.

Last week, Bishop John Arnold, Bishop of Salford, celebrated Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, Wheatley, part of Corpus Christi Parish in Oxford, to help launch the book that had been created by the parishioners to help others to live and cook more simply.

"I hope all parishioners will enjoy cooking my leftover Rice and Veg on page 8 but they may prefer Fr Mervyn's Spaghetti con salsa di pomodoro on page 7!" said Bishop John.

"Thank you for all you do to respond to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth as we care for Our Common Home."

The book, which has been months in the making, was spearheaded by Fr Mervyn who encouraged parishioners to send in their own recipes, particularly encouraging the use of leftovers and non-meat dishes.

The result is a book packed with wonderful recipes: soups and breads, a wide range of vegetarian savoury meals, some fish and meat dishes, and a collection of desserts and cakes. There are also useful tips on storing leftovers, freezing and defrosting.

Parishioner Maya Francis, who contributed three innovative recipes for beetroot, said: "The recipes are all so well compiled! I feel honoured to be a part of this."

For the past 18 months, the Parish of Corpus Christi has been working towards a LiveSimply Award. Created by the charity CAFOD, the award hopes to enable parishes, in response to Pope Francis' Laudato Si, to take greater responsibility in caring for the planet and for our neighbours, especially those living in poverty.

This latest initiative was driven by Pope Francis's plea for everyone to be more careful with food waste.

Corpus Christi parish is just one of many around the country who have started their LiveSimply journey with CAFOD. There are now over 50 groups across England and Wales who have been presented with the award. The group are hoping that their example will inspire others to also take up a simpler way of living.

The Live Simply Book of Recipes and Tips - price £5 (+£1.60. P&P)

To order copies - this would make a very good Christmas present - e-mail to obtain payment details.

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