Croydon Fayre inspires climate action

After deciding to go green this year, the annual Fayre at Our Lady of the Annunciation not only raised thousands for charity but also awareness of the climate crisis.
For years, the Autumn Fayre at Our Lady of the Annunciation, Addiscombe, has been an anticipated event in the community calendar - but this year, inspired by charity CAFOD's call to go green, organisers made a commitment to limit their environmental impact and reduce waste.
Thanks to this commitment, the Autumn Fayre, which took place last month, was more popular than ever, attracting over 800 people and raising over £7,500, which will be split between three local charities, and green initiatives at the Parish.
Gill Slater, a CAFOD volunteer who helped to organise the Fayre, said: "Over the summer, planning began for Our Lady of the Annunciation's Autumn Fayre. Having collected signatures for CAFOD's climate petition and been represented at 'The Time Is Now' climate lobby of parliament, the decision was taken to give the Fayre a green theme 'Our Lady's is going Green'."
Many arrived at the Fayre dressed in 'a Flavour of Green', which included a range of upcycled green shirts. For the famed Tombola stall, all gifts were wrapped in paper bags.
During the day, attendees were invited to make personalised climate badges, mini wildflower gardens with RSPB bird-friendly seeds and the Wildlife Trust provided educational information.
There was also a stall where people could sign a petition, asking the government to take urgent action to tackle climate change, and information on CAFOD's LiveSimply initiative - an eco-award that helps communities to go green.
The local Guides group were on hand to ensure that all the food stalls - which included curries, international cuisine, barbecue and general refreshments - could meet their environmental commitment by washing-up plates and cutlery to eliminate the need for disposable plastics.
Gill continued: "As suggested by CAFOD, flags were made reflecting people's climate change concerns. These flags were then displayed the following day during the Extinction Rebellion Faith gathering, where CAFOD's Director, Christine Allen, and many other faith representatives spoke to the multi-faith audience.
"Aside from fundraising to help local charities, and to help the Parish reduce its carbon footprint, the Fayre has set the parish on an exciting green course."
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