Westminster Cathedral Master of Music has resigned
Source: Archbishops House
Martin Baker has stepped down from his role as Westminster Cathedral's Master of Music.
A spokesperson for the Diocese of Westminster said in a statement: "It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Martin Baker as Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral with effect from 31 December 2019. We take the opportunity to thank him for his dedication and service over the past two decades and wish him the very best in his future career.'"
Born in Manchester in 1967, Martin Baker studied at the Royal Northern College of Music, Chetham's School of Music and Downing College, Cambridge, before holding positions at London's Westminster and St Paul's Cathedrals. He was appointed to Westminster Abbey in 1991.
In 2000 he returned to Westminster Cathedral as Master of Music, where he has been responsible for directing the world renowned choir in its daily choral programme and busy schedule of concerts, tours and recordings.
Martin Baker is also much sought after as an organist, playing frequent solo concerts in the UK and around the world.
Last year the Cathedral School timetable changed when it became a five day a week boarding school with parents collecting children on Friday evenings and returning them on Sunday morning for the 10.30 Mass. The boys no longer sing at Masses on Friday or Saturday.
It has been reported that Martin Baker, together with many parents and Cathedral parishioners have been concerned that these changes are putting Westminster Cathedral music heritage at risk.
The statement from the Diocese concludes: "Today the Diocese will start to address these new circumstances created by Mr Baker's resignation. A further announcement will be made in the coming weeks."