London book launch: 'Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics'

Rosanne Haggerty
Rosanne Haggerty, CEO of Community Solutions will be speaking at the launch of Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics on Friday 24th January, at University of Notre Dame in England near Trafalgar Square.
The book is described as "the first publication that examines street homelessness as an area of development for Catholic Social Teaching."
With a foreword by Cardinal Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, it is edited by Fr James Keenan SJ and Mark McGreevy, Group Chief Executive of Depaul International.
Community Solutions is a leading non-profit working across the USA to end long-term homelessness, using data and tools from many sectors to achieve lasting results. Rosanne is an internationally recognised leader in developing innovative strategies to end homelessness.
The launch of Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics' takes place on Friday 24 January, 6pm-8pm, at the University of Notre Dame in England 1-4 Suffolk St, London SW1Y 4HG.
Doors open 5.30pm. Refreshments served.
To reserve a place via Eventbrite, see: