NJPN Bristol Day: 'Our Common Home - Creative Responses'

Fr Augusto Zampini will address the National Justice and Peace Open Network meeting in Bristol on Saturday 8 February. Hosted by Clifton J&P Commission, the meeting will take as its theme 'Our Common Home - creative responses'. Fr Augusto, a former student at Bath University, will share some of the outcomes of October's Amazon Synod. He was one of eight experts appointed to study outcomes of the pre-Synod consultations. These were held with local gatherings across Amazonia for consideration in the drafting of the Amazon Synod's working document.
Originally from Argentina, St Augusto's links with Clifton Diocese go back to his time at the University of Bath. He served for a period as theology advisor to CAFOD and is now Director of Development and Faith at the Vatican's Dicastery for Integral Human Development. Following Fr Augusto's talk and Q+A, Phil Kingston, of Holy Family, Patchway, a founder-member of Grandparents for a Safe Earth, will help us to deal with the feelings evoked by concerns for our common home.
After lunch Nikki Jones MSc, independent researcher and writer, will share where the West of England, and we as individuals, are with our climate goals. She will examine the role of the 'Global North' in this, and the urgent importance of changes in consumption in the 'Global North' - including personal action. Nikki founded the local charity, Avon Needs Trees, which has recently agreed to buy land between Chippenham and Calne for reforestation.
There will opportunities to share what justice and peace activities groups are involved with locally and around the country. Representatives of national agencies will report on their work and suggest practical ways of becoming involved in campaigning for social justice. The event, at St Nicholas of Tolentino Parish Hall, Bristol , is on Saturday 8 February from 10.30am [coffee/tea] to 2.30 (or 4pm for those remaining to network). All are welcome. Tea and coffee will be provided, but please bring your own lunch.
Further details (including directions) are on the NJPN website www.justice-and-peace.org.uk/njpn-meetings/
For further information please contact either: admin@justice-and-peace.org / 0207 901 4864; or: justiceandpeace@cliftondiocese.com / 0117 924 3011