North West Justice and Peace Bulletin for March 2020

As violence escalates in the Central African country of Cameroon the NW NJPN E Bulletin for March 2020 leads with a call for urgent peace talks. Opinion pieces highlight the mixed reception of Querida Amazonia, Pope Francis' response to the Amazonian Synod. Many feel the opportunity to relax the celibacy rule to allow married priests and women deacons has been lost.
The new initiative on Trafficking by the Archdiocese of Liverpool features plus an article on anti-Chinese racism related to the coronavirus outbreak. Pax Christi's new nonviolence initiative for Lent is advertised. It is inspired by Pope Francis' call to 'set aside every act of violence in thought, word and deed, whether against our neighbours or against God's creation ' and by the work of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative to share widely an understanding of nonviolence as both a way of life and a gospel approach to challenging injustice. Lent Resources including the NonvioLent blog with words and images are available at /product-category/lent-and-easter
The bulletin also features current news from around the world plus local events.
Read the Bulletin here: