Ethiopia: Moringa is a super-food!

Yesterday, women from Kakuta, one of the Nyangatom villages that the MCSPA missionaries serve from Prince of Peace Catholic Mission, received a nutritional talk about the goodness of Moringa Plant. This green plant is an excellent source of vitamins when there are very few vegetables available.
Its high content of vitamin A, was highlighted during the talk. Many people in the region suffer from a deficiency if vitamin A in their diet. The long term lack of such nutrient can cause visual problems in both children and adults.
We distributed seeds and taught people how to plant and cook the Moringa. We hope we have convinced the women who are so important in improving the lives of their families, of the goodness of this super-plant. If we have, they will improve their nutrition and reduce the risk of having eye problems, or any other problem related with the lack of vitamins in the future.
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