Art and Prayer at Ealing Abbey
Come to Ealing Abbey for an alternative way to engage with Scripture and prayerful reflection this Lent. Over four Saturday mornings we will be reading from passages of St Matthew's Gospel together and then creating our own art response in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. All are welcome - whatever their age or artistic experience. Basic art materials will be provided or participants can bring whatever they would like to use. An exhibition of art-work created in or inspired by the sessions will be held in the parish later in the year.
Sessions are : 10am-12 noon on Saturdays 14th, 21st and 28th March and 4th April. Location : The Parish House, 2 Marchwood Crescent W5 2DZ. Donations go towards Aid to the Church in Need.
Please contact Karolina Stolarska if you are interested or have any questions, email: