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Remembering Mother's Day in Bethlehem

  • Jo Siedlecka

Cake for a special occasion

Cake for a special occasion

Life for many people in Bethlehem has been harsh for many years, One group that is particularly suffering is elderly women, who are mostly widows. Because of high unemployment, most of their children and grandchildren have left the country to find work, and these old ladies are left living alone, with no one to look after them.

Since its foundation in 2009, Friends of the Holy Land has been supporting St Martha's House, the first day care centre for elderly ladies in Bethlehem. The centre offers breakfast, lunch and many activities. There are prayers, board games, embroidery, cooking and sewing, and a beautiful garden where provides vegetables and flowers for the house. Some of the guests have some type of mental impairment such as memory loss, but they have supervised activities and everyone there enjoys the sociable and relaxing atmosphere.

This Mothering Sunday is going to be so different for us all - as for the first time ever, we will not be able to attend Mass - or visit our loved ones - because of the Coronavirus. The pandemic has also hit Bethlehem and St Martha's House is closed. The elderly ladies who visit will also be living isolation - although the volunteers are hoping to keep in touch with them at home at home somehow.

Watch a short film about the project here:

Please remember the elderly ladies of Bethlehem this Mother's Day by making a donation to St Martha's House, here:


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