Pope's homilies and prayers available to download
Source: Vatican News
The Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See is making available a free downloadable book entitled 'Strong in the Face of Tribulation' containing a collection of Pope Francis's prayers, intercessions and homilies as "a sure support in time of trial".
Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of the Vatican's Dicastery for Communication said the book is "A little help offered to all, so as to know how to discern and experience God's closeness and tenderness in pain, in suffering, in solitude and in fear."
Strong in the Face of Tribulation is available for download free of charge on the website of the Vatican's publishing house, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, in PDF format. It is currently available in English, Italian, Spanish and French.
The cover of the book carries an image of the Archangel Michael who "protects the Church against evil and supports us in this difficult trial, so that this evil may not prejudice our trust in the Father and the solidarity among us," writes Tornielli. Rather, these trying times should become an "opportunity to look at what is truly essential for our lives and to share the love received from God among all," especially with those who are most in need.
Strong in the Face of Tribulation contains three sections. In the first, prayers, rituals and supplications for difficult times inspired by Christian tradition can be found. It includes, blessings for the sick, prayers for liberation from evil, and other texts that originate from various ecclesial contexts and historical eras.
The second section is dedicated to the indications given by the Church on how people can continue to live out a sacramental life even though coronavirus precautionary measures do not permit their physical participation in them. It focuses on elements that foster spiritual communion with the Church, and how to obtain forgiveness from sin despite the impossibility of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The final part is a collection of Pope Francis's words to the ecclesial community in these times of trial. It contains all of his homilies from Mass at Casa Santa Marta, and the texts of the Sunday Angelus discourses, beginning from 9 March.
The digital copy of the book will be updated several times a week in the light of new developments and the "rediscovery" of other treasures of the Church's tradition. It can therefore be downloaded several times to keep abreast of new additions.
Click here to download Strong in the Face of Tribulation in English: www.vaticannews.va/content/dam/lev/forti-nella-tribolazione/pdf/eng/strong-in-tribulation.-20042020.pdf
Click here to download the Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis on Good Friday in St Peter's Square, 2020: www.vaticannews.va/content/dam/lev/via-crucis/pdf/the-way-of-the--cross.pdf