Poland entrusted to Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother of God

Source: Polish Catholic Bishops Conference
As Poland battles with Covid-19, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, President of the Polish Bishops Conference, entrusted the country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother of God in a special ceremony at the national Marian shrine of Jasna Góra in Chestochowa on Sunday.
Historically, the Polish Church has always dedicated their country to Our Lady in times of crisis. They gave Poland to Mary, during the threat of the Bolshevik invasion in 1920, after World War II in 1946 in the face of the threat of communism, on the 300th anniversary of the Lviv weddings in 1956 and 10 years later in 1966.
In 1979, during his first apostolic trip to his homeland, John Paul II entrusted Poland to Our Lady in Jasna Góra. On May 3, 2016, on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland, the President of the Episcopate made a new act of entrusting the Polish nation to the Mother of God.
Other countries that have devoted themselves to the protection of the Mother of God, include England and Wales, Portugal and Spain, Austria, and Italy.
The Act of dedication to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother of God the Queen of Poland, which was read at Jasna Góra by the President of the Polish Episcopate Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, was also read in churches and chapels around the country on Sunday.
The Mass from Jasna Góra was broadcast, on the nationwide TVP 3 band, on TVP Trwam, on Radio Jasna Góra and on the YouTube channel Jasna Góra.
An English translation of the Act of Trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mother of God the Queen of Poland follows:
God, Almighty Father, rich in Mercy, be glorified in the mystery of Your Love, revealed by the Son in the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Thank you for Your self-sacrificing love, which in the mystery of the Crucifixion and Resurrection has become a victorious love.
Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, love, power and testimony, lead us.
When the 100th anniversary of the Miracle Vistula approaches - which in August 1920, thanks to the Blessed Virgin Mary, saved our homeland and European civilization from Bolshevik rule - we, the Shepherds of the Church in Poland, like our predecessors, come to Jasna Góra. It is here for generations that we learn that the reign of Christ, and with him Mary, Queen of Poland, includes in a special way the service of the nation. Here - at Jasna Góra - we are more clearly aware of the responsibility for Christian heritage on Polish soil. The need for common care of all social strata not only for the material, but also for the spiritual good of our homeland.
In this special year, thank you for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Saint. John Paul II, who saw in Mary a model of unfailing hope embracing the whole person. Thank you also for the decision to beatify the Servant of God, Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, who reminded us that it is not enough to look into the clean, wounded face of the Mother, but also that our Nation read in her eyes everything that is needed for the renewal of Polish consciences.
Together with Mary, Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland and Saint Patrons, we beg for help for our homeland in today's difficult experience.
In the spirit of the Act of Entrustment by Polish Bishops 100 years ago, we confess "in truth and humbleness that we have earned Your punishment with our ingratitude and sins, but through the merits of our Holy Patrons, through the martyr's blood shed for faith by our brothers, through the Queen of the Polish Crown , Your Parent, and our beloved Mother Częstochowa, we beg You, please forgive us our faults. " We ask You, forgive us our sins against life, profanation of Your Eucharistic Presence, blasphemy against Your Blessed Mother and her images and all sin of contention. "Change our hearts like your Divine Heart; transform us with the power of Your almighty grace and from indifferent and lukewarm make us zealous and hot, with faint-hearted courage and affairs,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we entrust to you the Church on Polish soil, all its states and vocations: the clergy, persons of consecrated life, all the faithful who "constitute Poland" in the country and abroad. Take away from us all the plague of errors and sins, the coronavirus pandemic, the drought that threatens us, as well as the economic crisis and related unemployment. We dare to take our prayers to You through the special intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is our Wonderful Help and Defence.
Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland and our Mother of Jasna Góra! Our trustful prayer rises to you today, which unites the hearts of all Poles. Accept the fair desires of your children, whom you have always looked after with maternal care. We are yours and we want to remain yours. Accompany us in the daily journey of our lives, be a Guide, begging and invincible Power.
Mary! In this prayer, we would like to recall the Solidarity Act of Entrusting the World, the Church and our Homeland, which on March 25, 2020, was uttered by the Shepherd of the Portuguese Church in Fatima. Today, we entrust to you our Homeland and Nation, all Poles living in their homeland and abroad. We entrust to you our whole life, all our joys and suffering, everything we are and what we have, all our past, present and future. Ask us all the promised Holy Spirit to come down again and renew the face of this Earth.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, come Your Kingdom!
Mary, Queen of Poland, pray for us. Amen
On behalf of the church in Poland
+ Stanisław Gądecki
Archbishop Poznań Metropolitan
Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference
Jasna Góra, 3 May 2020