USA: Trump's border wall threatens Catholic orphanage
Source: Faithful America
President Trump's border wall is threatening a Catholic orphanage near the US-Mexico border. The Department of Justice has filed an eminent-domain lawsuit against Sacred Heart Children's Home in Laredo, Texas, demanding access to the orphanage's land in order to conduct surveys for the wall.
As an attorney for the Texas Civil Rights Project told the Laredo Morning Times, the Trump administration seems to be taking cruel advantage of the pandemic to speed up wall construction, since public demonstrations aren't possible during social distancing.
Under eminent domain laws, the government must pay landowners a fair price - yet Trump's callous administration only wants to give the sisters a paltry $100 to let its construction teams parade around their land.
This orphanage has been run for more than 100 years by the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Poor. Faithful America, the largest online community of Christians, putting faith into action for social justice has launched a petition supporting the sisters and demanding that the DOJ drop the lawsuit.
Sign the petition here: Tell the Dept. of Justice: Drop your border-wall lawsuit against a Catholic orphanage
Watch a local TV report about the threat to the orphanage -
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