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Leela Ramdeen - dedicated to social and racial justice

  • Jo Siedlecka

Leela Ramdeen with Pope Francis

Leela Ramdeen with Pope Francis

A popular contributor to ICN, Leela Ramdeen celebrates her 70th birthday today, 16 June.

An Attorney-at-Law and education consultant, Leela is currently Episcopal Delegate/Chair of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice and Chair of the Archdiocese's Ministry for Migrants and Refugees in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.

Born in Trinidad, Leela migrated with her parents and siblings to the UK in 1967. She obtained her BEd, MEd., CPE and LPC in London and her LEC in Trinidad & Tobago at Hugh Wooding Law School. She worked in the UK as an Executive Officer in local government, a teacher, Inspector of Schools, and Deputy Director of Education in a London Borough.

For 11 years, she was Vice-Chair of Cardinal Basil Hume's Committee for the Caribbean Community (the Cardinal was the Chair). She also co-chaired Britain's Anti-Racist Alliance, with Ken Livingstone, former Mayor of London.

Returning to live in Trinidad in 1998, Leela was appointed by Trinidad and Tobago's former President, His Excellency George Maxwell Richards, as a member of the Police Service Commission from 2003 - 2007. She was also a member of the Cabinet appointed Parole Introduction committee. For nearly five years, until January 31, 2020, Leela served as a Lay Assessor on TT's Equal Opportunity Tribunal.

Leela is an executive member (former chair) of the Greater Caribbean for Life, a regional anti-death penalty organisation; Director of TT's Catholic Archdiocese's Tertiary level institute: Catholic Religious Education Development Institute; Director of Credo Foundation for Justice, three homes run by the Holy Faith Sisters for socially displaced children/street children, Director of the Social Justice Foundation - working with at-risk youths - developing their proficiency in communication technology. She writes a weekly column in Trinidad & Tobago's Catholic News and Guardian newspaper, on social justice issues.

She has received many awards, including being named as one of three Catholic Women of the Year in the UK in 1994; a Papal Medal for representing the Holy See at a UNAIDS Conference in Jamaica in 2005; an award in recognition of her contribution during her tenure as a member of the Police Service Commission, Trinidad & Tobago; the Archbishop Anthony Pantin Award (2012) ; an award from the Inter Religious Organisation in TT - presented at the IRO's National Day of Prayer & Thanksgiving 2014: "For your selfless cooperation to the IRO in our many initiatives in serving the Nation and your loyal and dedicated service to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago", and the Bharat Samman Pravasi Award for Community Development (Jan 2015) from the Non-Resident Indians (NRI) Institute in New Delhi, India.

Yogi Sutton, Chair of the Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) said: "Leela worked tirelessly for the Caribbean community under one of our best Cardinals. Cardinal Hume set up the CCC and appointed Leela as chair. She was a great support to CARJ. She also worked on the Caribbean Pilgrimage to Walsingham which became an annual event. I know she was one of the first black women to become an inspector in education in North London."

Margaret-Ann Fisken, former chair CARJ said: "Leela's cross-cultural and inter-religious heritage has served her admirably in her decades of tireless work, addressing the issues of social and racial justice. She is a sterling example of the impact that someone can have when they lead with courage, passion and great faith."

Happy Birthday Leela - and we wish you Many Happy Returns!


TV6 news report about Leela on International Women's Day

Catholic Commission for Social Justice & Archdiocese's Ministry for Migrants and Refugees




Mill Hill Missionaries

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