Walk in the footsteps of St Thomas More

A walk in the footsteps of St Thomas More from Chelsea to the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden takes place on 11 July. This is the walk often made by this great statesman, scholar and saint.
Meeting at 9.30am for Mass at 10am at Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More at Cheyne Row, followed by a guided tour of places associated with St Thomas More in Chelsea before visiting Tyburn Convent, the place of execution of so many Catholic martyrs in this land, and then heading over to Harlesden to the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden.
Feel free to join us for some or all or some of the walk. Please bring a packed lunch.
Price: £15 (Concessions also). Please register with Fr Andrew: mailto: andrewchamiec@rcdow.org.uk
Nearest transport links:
Chelsea: Sloane Square, South Kensington or Imperial Wharf.
Harlesden: Willesden Junction or Harlesden.
Tyburn: Marble Arch