Novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots

The Hozana online prayer community with CTS is inviting readers to join them in the novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots which takes place from 30 August to 7 September.
When Pope Francis was a student, he visited Germany and discovered the devotion to Our Lady Untier of Knots, which he promptly began to spread across his native Latin America. In a homily, the then Cardinal Bergoglio said:
"We all have knots, or deficiencies in our hearts, and we go through difficulties. God, our good Father, who distributes his grace to all of his children, wants us to trust Her, to entrust to Her the knots of our sins, the tangles of our miseries that prevent us from uniting ourselves with God, to allow Her to untie them and bring us to Her son Jesus."
For more information and to join the group novena, visit: