London: Carmel-in-the-City Ecumenical Creation Walk

The Carmelite Spirituality Group, Carmel-in-the-City, based at St Joseph's Church, Bunhill Row, near London's Barbican, will make the close of the Season of Creation with a Mass of Creation and an Ecumenical Creation Prayer Walk.
This will take place on Saturday, 3 October 2020 beginning with Quiet Prayer at 11.30am, followed by a Mass of Creation, Bring-Your-Own-Lunch, and the Creation Prayer Walk at 2pm.
The Walk will include Wesley's Chapel Garden, a local Wild-life Garden, and St Joseph's Quiet Garden in memory of Cardinal Basil Hume. The afternoon ends at 3,30pm. ALL ARE WELCOME !
For more information call 07889 436 165 - visit: