Factory farming will kill us all

Wiki image - Humane Society USA
On his website today, Catholic peer David Alton writes: "A timely reminder about the dangers of industrialised slaughter of animals - its also downright cruel. If we are downright cruel to every other species, it's little wonder that we end up being cruel to our own.
John Lewis-Stempel is right to warn, in this interesting article from Unherd, that factory farms are ticking time-bombs of zoonotic disease - those which leap from animals to humans - and petri-dishes of bacterial infections.
The massive use of antibiotics to enable industrialised slaughter of animals is also compromising human health. But, beyond that, its downright cruel - and if we are cruel to every other species it's little wonder that we end up being cruel to our own.
Chris Fegan, Chief Executive of Catholic Concern for Animals (CCA) commented: "Lord Alton is absolutely correct to bring our attention to the horrors of factory farming and industrialised slaughter. CCA have long argued for a 'cruelty free lifestyle' and the connections between the abuse of animals and zoonotic disease is now at the forefront of attention and public debate due to Covid-19."