Holy Land: Friendship February campaign
Dear ICN Readers...
This month the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel is working in partnership with the Britain Palestine Friendship and Twinning Network (BPFTN), promoting twinning and friendship links with Palestine.
The campaign runs on both organisations' social media channels, linked below, and there will be lots of advice and inspiration throughout the month on how to get involved if you so wish. Twinning and friendship links range from formal town twins to smaller informal links such as hobby groups, women's groups, linked churches and mosques etc.
If you would like to join an existing group in your area, you can find the full list on the BPFTN website here: www.twinningwithpalestine.net/groups
If you're looking to start up your own link, you can view their resources section: www.twinningwithpalestine.net/resources or email palestinetwinning@yahoo.com for more information.
Yours sincerely,
Sir Vincent Fean
Chair of trustees, Balfour Project
Co patron, Britain Palestine Friendship and Twinning Network
EAPPI - Facebook https://m.facebook.com/eappiukireland Twitter https://twitter.com/eappiukireland
Friendship with palestion - Facebook https://m.facebook.com/friendshipwithPalestine/ Twitter https://twitter.com/BPFTN