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Lent 2021 - Events and Resources

  • Ellen Teague

Tuesday and Fridays of Lent
Franciscan in Holy Land present Way of the Cross

Wednesdays 10, 17, 24 March 7.45pm
Webinar series with Fr Henry Wansbrough: Pathways to Christ's Passion

15 February - 19 March
33 Day Consecration to St Joseph
Zoom meeting ID: 986 4005 1501 / Passcode: 122013

Scottish Laity Network: Lenten Journey 2021
The Scottish Laity Network's Lenten Journey
Discipleship for Artisans of our own Destiny ~ Preparing the Future - begins on Thursday 18th February with Professor Jim Skea addressing the theme of What is the Hope of COP 26? Professor Skea is the Co-chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), leading their work on climate change mitigation, a founding member of the UK's Committee on Climate Change and chair of the Scottish Government's Just Transition Commission - advising on a carbon-neutral economy that is fair for all. The Lenten Journey is supported by Eco-Congregation Scotland, Justice and Peace Scotland, Pax Christi Scotland, SCIAF and the Xaverian Missionaries
For further information please contact

Compass in Lent
Reflecting Together on Religious Life

Journey Through Lent
Video series with Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Resources for the National Justice and Peace Network...
by Anne O'Connor
This year Lent has taken on a new meaning for Anne following the death from natural causes of her elder daughter Annie in June 2020. Annie was a scripture scholar, teacher and evangelist. For Lent this year Anne shares some of her daughter's material for journeying through Lent towards Easter. Each day of Lent contains a scripture reference and a sentence of reflection. Anne feels we can use this time wisely to consider changes to our lifestyle that will help conserve resources, to live more simply and to work for the good of all. This is an opportunity to focus on what really matters and to journey in faith and hope


Stations of the Cross in a Time of Fear and Uncertainty

Ash Wednesday Witness 2021 with Christian CND and Pax Christi

On Wednesday 17 February Christian CND and Pax Christi are holding the annual Ash Wednesday Witness for peace. Usually this event would take place outside the Ministry of Defence in London but this year it will be on Zoom. There will be readings, worship and prayers, reflecting on those who have died in war but also the hope of Easter and Christ's resurrection.


Liverpool Archdiocese / CAFOD - Combined Creation Time and Lent Resource

Hard copies at:

Lent Prayers from CAFOD

Includes an Interactive Lent calendar and a Fast Day Prayer for Lent.

Weekly Gospel reflections can be sent via email.

DVD - Stations of the Forests from Columban JPIC

An audio-visual lamenting devastation of rainforests and tribal people. A Resource Booklet provides agendas and reflections for meetings.

£7 inclusive of p&p from

Or download from:

Women in the Shadows - a Lent study course on exploitation of girls and women

from The Clewer Initiative

A new course for Lent created to help shine a light on the suffering of marginalised women. Biblical reflection is included. The course focuses on the different ways women and girls are exploited in the UK today.

Young Caritas 'Let Us Dream' Lenten Retreat

With Caritas Westminster

'Let Us Dream' Lenten Retreat, is an opportunity to break open the themes discussed in the recent book by Pope Francis. There are three online sessions and retreatants will be provided with a pack, containing a copy of 'Let Us Dream' and notebook to record reflections. Sessions will have spiritual input from the Jesuit Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry and Young Caritas. In the second session, in the middle of Lent, participants will be joined by Bishop Paul McAleenan, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster and Chair of the Advisory Board to Caritas and Austen Ivereigh, the Holy Father's biographer and collaborator on 'Let Us Dream'.

Global Healing

On 18 February, Bishop John Arnold of Salford, lead bishop for the environment in England and Wales, will launch an online series of speakers, prayers and discussions based on the film-based resource, 'Global Healing'. The talks will take place each week throughout Lent, with Salford's Head of Environment Dr Emma Gardner sharing her own knowledge and experiences with us on 4 March. The films will take place over six Thursdays, from 18th February - 25th March 2021, between 7.30pm - 8.30pm and are hosted by the Global Catholic Climate Movement Laudato Si' Animators in the UK.

If you'd like to register to join email

Lenten talks: What would Pope Francis do? -

Sycamore Lent Course -

John Bradburne's Lenten Devotion: Way of the Cross -

This booklet has been based on last year's Vatican sponsored 'Way of the Cross'. Pope Francis asked a group of young people to write the meditations on the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross.

The accompanying photographs of fifteen sculptures, made with skill and dedication by Arthur da Silva Azevedo, were taken on a dawn walk up Mount Chigona in Zimbabwe by a pilgrim.

Mini Lent with Portsmouth Diocese

Ash Wednesday February 17th 5 pm Tom Grufferty

First Sunday of Lent Saturday February 20th at 5pm
Mark 1:12-15. The Temptation of Jesus. Fr. John Humphreys

Second Sunday of Lent Saturday February 27th at 5pm Mark 9:2-10 The Transfiguration of Jesus Vivienne McCabe

Third Sunday of Lent Saturday March 6th at 5pm
John 2:13-35 The Money Changers. Jacky Chong

Fourth Sunday of Lent Saturday March 13th at 5pm
John 3:14-21 Jesus and Nicodemus~~Walter Essex.

Fifth Sunday of Lent Saturday 20th March 20th at 5pm John 12:20-33 The Sower~~Christine Bryden.
Palm Sunday Saturday 27th March at 5pm
Mark 14:1-15-15:7 Bridie Stringer

Holy Thursday 1st April at 5 pm Jacky Chong Good

Friday 2nd April at 5pm Maureen Todd

Holy Saturday 3rd April at 5pm Teresa Keogh Easter Sunday 4th April at 5pm Tom Grufferty

You can book a place by email, for information. for the Retreat itself.


The Passionists

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