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London: Service to mark anniversary of Armenian Genocide

A Service of Remembrance to Commemorating the 106th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be livestreamed from the Church of Our Lady of Victories in Kensington next Tuesday, 27 April from 7-8pm.

The Celebrant will be Mgr James Curry KCHS, assisted by Mgr Roger Reader KCHS and Fr Daniel Herrero Pena.

Fr Shnork Baghdassarian, Parish Priest of the Armenian Church of St Sarkis in Kensington will be leading a Prayer for the Repose of the Souls of all Victims of the Genocide (in Armenian & English)

George Jerjian, author and speaker will read the Lesson from the New Testament.

Dr Harry Hagopian KSG, International Lawyer and Middle East expert will give a reflection entitled: The Armenian Genocide: Healing Open Wounds?

Claire Mouradian, Violinist, will play Groong by Fr Gomidas. Groong, a crane (bird) in Armenian, is mentioned twice in the Bible as a messenger of God and symbolises communion with God. Cranes also represent endurance and have been likened to Christ's resurrection.

The music and hymns will be led by Timothy Macklin. The two Armenian pieces are Der Voghormia (Lord, Have Mercy) & Kta Dér (Pity Us, Lord).

James Abbot, Head of Digital Communications at the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England & Wales, will help record the event.

Join the lifestream here:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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