Poetry: John Bradburne reads Mutemwa, sings God be in my Head - video

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Today is the 100th birthday of John Bradburne. In this video you can hear a rare archive recording of John reading his poem 'Mutemwa', and then singing the prayer poem 'God be in my Head' by British composer Walford Davies.
Mutemwa Leprosy Settlement was the place where John stayed for the last 10 years of his life, caring for the leprosy patients as brothers and sisters, sharing everything he had, and refusing to leave them, which ultimately led to his murder on the 5th September 1979. In the video, you will see images of John and his friends past and present.
This is the final day of the John Bradburne Memorial Society 100 days of John Bradburne's poetry.
Watch the video here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wKz79ldLb4
The text of Mtemwa (Mutemwa) follows:
This people, this exotic clan
Of lepers in array
Of being less yet more than man
As man is worn today:
This is a people born to be
Burnt upward to eternity!
This strange ecstatic moody folk
Of joy with sorrow merged
Destined to shuffle off the yoke
Of all the world has urged:
This oddity, this Godward school
Sublimely wise, whence, I'm its fool!
This ecdysis, this casting off
Of falsehood formed from pride,
This is a little village, doff
Your hats as past you ride:
But past it far you'll never go
Nor fast, since Bundu bids your princely car to slow.
This is a fastness none the less because
Fortress it is
Wills time remember
What, before it, was:
Strong hold this lays, and so should lazy I,
Upon the bulwarks of eternity.
Hazy are not
These folk, nor forgotten
By Father not far but full near
With His Love for His Only-Begotten.......
'You are cut off' (Mutemwa signifies)
But not from One and all in Him who share His size.
As you come down, as down you must
On the winding road in its load of dust,
A wide panorama and wild you scan
Capriciously free from the hand of man, -
The landscape goats and delights to skip
In the green that rhymes with summertime's grip
Or, if in the waning of winter you come
While spring is a-gaining, you'll sing or be dumb
With wonder at seeing an avenue long
Of blue jacarandas whose bloom is their song, -
Stand strong in their century these:
But, do not in viewing 'Halloo'
Till you're out of the wood
Which mentally blocks you from sighting our plight as a good
And keeps you from seeing how lepers can easily leap
Over the nightmare of ill
And that hill so steep:
This cohort, mixed, mercurial,
This battered, tattered throng,
Goes halt towards its funeral,
Vaults to the Lord in song -
Song, and as harsh cacophony
You'd hardly ever find,
But hearts preceded harmony
And The Sacred doesn't mind!
Martial, no threnody's the sound,
It storms high heaven's gates
Whence the wounded God who trod sits crowned
And the King of Glory waits
On a motley oft so maddening
That soften must my heart
To the sweetness, lowly, gladdening,
Of the Master of my art.
In the second part of the video, you will hear John's beautiful singing of 'God be in my Head' by Walford Davies.
God be in my head
And in my understanding.
God be in mine eyes
And in my looking.
God be in my mouth
And in my speaking.
God be in my heart
And in my thinking.
God be at mine end
And at my departing.
This song is available on the Alive to God CD on: www.johnbradburne.com
John Bradburne Memorial Society - www.johnbradburne.com
John Bradburne Poems - www.johnbradburnepoems.com
Mutemwa; www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wKz79ldLb4