Letter from Jo Boyce - Taste and See Guitar Tutorial

Jo Boyce - Image CJM Music
Source: CJM Music
Jo Boyce writes: This year, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi fell on the same date as the 8th anniversary of the death of our co-founder, Mike Stanley. It felt especially poignant to be at Mass on this great feast, singing Bread of Life Truth Eternal, the first song Mike and I ever co-wrote together all those years ago.
It's no surprise that our first and best-known song is a Eucharistic Communion Song.
As the coming weeks of Ordinary Time unfold, we'll have more opportunity to reflect on the way that God, in his providence, feeds and sustains us…
- He is the Shepherd who looks after and protects his wayward flock.
- He is the One who feeds the hungry multitudes and gives his people manna in the desert.
- He is the Lord who gives his very self to us as the Bread of Life.
The song 'Taste and See', another favourite from our Eucharistic repertoire, is a perfect anthem for several of these upcoming Sundays of Ordinary Time.
It's a simple, ostinato refrain type song, with just four chords in it. But it works best if you can get the 'gospel feel' just right - which is one of the tips I share in this latest guitar tutorial.
Taste and See Guitar Tutorial - www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcKSapcqN_U
Bread of Life - www.cjmmusic.com/songs/bread-of-life-song/