St Augustine's Abbey: Abbot Laurence O'Keefe OSB celebrates Golden Jubilee

Richard Morris writes: Abbot Laurence O'Keefe's finished portrait in oils arrived recently and the current Abbot at St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth, Fr Paulinus Greenwood OSB, presented it to him after monastic lunch in mid June (2021). The painting is an honour to him in his Golden Jubilee of Priestly Ordination last year, which we couldn't celebrate owing to Covid restrictions.
Abbot Laurence had absolutely no idea. It must be one of the best kept secrets ever!
The artist is Fr Stephen Horton OSB, prior of Prinknash Abbey in Gloucester.
St Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth is currently open to the public for Sunday 10am Mass - please call/text 07970 415357 to book (we have limited spaces owing to Covid restrictions). Our Monastic Guest House is now open to individuals one at a time on a self catering basis - please book via our website.
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St Augustine's Abbey is in Sample Oak Lane, Chilworth, Guildford, Surrey GU4 8QR