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Green Christian launches 'PLENTY!'

  • Green Christian

Source: Green Christian

Plenty!, a new small group discussion resource for churches on the economic drivers of the current ecological crises, has been produced by Green Christian's Joy in Enough programme. The launch is online on Thursday 24 June at 7pm.

The launch will include a keynote speech by Eve Poole, author of 'Buying God'.

Commenting on the project, Eve said: "I am delighted to support Green Christian's launch of this fantastic toolkit. We can all build a more Kingdom-shaped economy if we pay attention to the detail of our own transactions. Plenty! helps to explain what has gone wrong with our world, as well as how to start fixing it, and I can't wait to see this resource blazing a trail throughout the UK and beyond".

There will also be a panel discussion, chaired by Green Christian's John Daniels. This will comprise:

- Jeremy Williams, Author, activist and editor of Time to Act;
- Eve Poole, Author and Church Estates Commissioner;
- Sue Richardson, board member of the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility and chair of Church Action for Tax Justice.

John Daniels says: "Green Christian's Joy in Enough project is excited to be launching Plenty! It's an accessible and informative small group resource, which will challenge and encourage those who want to begin to join the dots between the environmental crisis, the global economy's stagnation, and Christian faith in the one who came that we might live abundantly".

The event will conclude with a presentation on 'Plenty!', when there will be the opportunity to hear from Katherine Hogg, author and content developer of the resource.

The launch event is free to all, and tickets are available now through Eventbrite.

Plenty! can be run online via Zoom, or face to face. Each session is 75 minutes long and is led by a facilitator. Every week there is some short pre-reading for participants; the sessions themselves begin with a short video clip, which is followed by questions for discussion. The themes for the sessions are:

. Plenty! - Inequality.
. Just can't get enough - Consumerism and advertising
. Growing pains - The growth imperative and debt
. God is in business - Economic justice
. Running out of planet - The climate emergency
. Joy in Enough - Towards sustainability and wellbeing

The six sessions engage with the social, psychological and theological implications of the current economic system - including the idea that economic growth is essential to human flourishing - and its impact on the environmental crisis we are facing. Participants are encouraged to envision other, better ways of living together well and there is a wealth of signposting to further resources for those who wish to explore these ideas further.

All the Plenty! materials will be available for downloading after the launch from the Green Christian Joy in Enough website.



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