Fr James Leachman OSB has died

Fr James Leachman OSB
Rest In Peace James Leachman (1947-2021).
Fr James Leachman monk and priest of Ealing Abbey died on Sunday morning 29 August in the company of his brother, having been fortified by the sacraments on the previous day, as he consoled family and colleagues attending to him.
Funeral services will be held at Ealing Abbey, London W5 2DY.
His body will be received into the church during the celebration of Evening Prayer for the Dead on Wednesday evening 8 September 2021 at 5pm.
His body will remain in the church until the funeral Mass to be celebrated on Thursday 9 September 2021 beginning at 2pm
Interment will follow immediately thereafter in the abbey cemetery a short walk away through the abbey garden. All are welcome to attend any and all of the services and interment.
The funeral services will also be available online through live-stream :
For up-to-date information on James' funeral services, please refer to this web-page:
We will be publishing a full obituary and tributes soon.