Passionist Partners Gathering 2021
Paschal Somers writes: Following its cancellation last year, it was wonderful to be able to hold the Passionist Partners Gathering at Minsteracres Retreat Centre from 13th to 15th September 2021.
Although with twenty attendees the number of participants was lower than in previous years, there was still representation from eight of the Partner Groups and it proved to be a memorable few days.
This year's meeting had a Eucharistic shape to it as Partners were invited to share the concerns and hopes that they had brought with them to the gathering.
There was also the opportunity to reflect on the scripture readings for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and what they might say about the situation in which the various Partner ministries are carried out.
In another session, those present were invited, in terms of an offertory, to consider what gifts or talents they have to offer to God and to one another. Finally, the whole event culminated in the liturgy of the Eucharist and a very moving sharing of the body and the blood of Christ.
At the end of our time together, one of the Partners remarked on how it had been 'a truly valuable and nurturing time'. Before we departed our beautiful venue, action points were agreed for supporting and strengthening the Partnership going forward.
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