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Webinar: How have young people been affected by lockdown

A free webinar, organised by Million Minutes takes place next Wednesday, 20th October at 7pm to discuss how youth ministers, volunteers and parish communities, can support young people post-lockdown. This session will have input on current research, sharing of resources available, and opportunities for discussion and network-building.

The session aims to:

- Gain an understanding of how young people have been affected by the national lockdowns through examining research
- Discuss the support that we can offer as Catholic communities to young people over the coming months
- Be aware of the resources available to further enable our work
- Build our network through opportunities for discussion

This will be a live session and will not be recorded. You will receive a digital resource pack, including any presentation slides, following the session.

Register now at:

If you have any questions regarding the event, email me or Beth at


Mill Hill Missionaries

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