Campaign launched to end bullfighting in Catholic countries

image CCA
Catholic Concern for Animals has announced they they will be launching a major new campaign in 2022, to end bullfighting in Catholic countries.
Chris Fegan writes in their latest newsletter: "This campaign will involve working in all those countries we identify as complicit in this appalling 'spectacle' to educate on the barbarity of the bullfight. We will work with all interested groups and individuals to try and bring an end to this abhorrent activity."
CCA open their campaign with a powerful article by Barbara Gardner entitled 'End Bull Torture Now'.
She writes: "In 1567 Pope Saint Pius V banned 'exhibitions where bulls and wild beasts are baited' in his De Salute Gregis. He said that 'these bloody and disreputable exhibitions of devils rather than men' were 'contrary to Christian duty and charity' and should be abolished. Furthermore, anyone who meets their death whilst partaking of such spectacles should be deprived of a Christian burial."
"In Laudato Si' Pope Francis says: 'Clearly the Bible has no place for a tyrannical anthropocentrism, unconcerned for other creatures' (LS:68), that 'every act of cruelty towards any creature is "contrary to human dignity"' (LS: 92) and that 'we must forcefully reject the notion that our being created in God's image and given dominion over the earth justifies absolute domination over other creatures' (LS: 67).'
"So why do so many bull fights and other activities involving the torture of bulls still continue in many Catholic countries today, including Spain, Portugal and in South America?"
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