Scottish Laity Network Lenten Journey 2022
Source: SLN
The Body of Christ ~ Blessed, Broken and Excluded?
Since May 2020 the Scottish Laity Network have engaged in a number events that are that rooted in our core vision of seeking ways of enabling Scottish laity to come together as disciples of Jesus, and through prayer, dialogue and discernment find 'new ways' of being Church in Scotland in the 21st Century.
These events have drawn participants from not only Scotland but from all over the world. Feedback from these events will form the basis of our Synodal Submission. Throughout our sessions participants have raised concern about the voices and issues that are still not being raised through the 'official' structures.
Such a voice is that of the LGBT+ community. To listen to that voice we are proposing to have some Lenten conversations that will enable us to get a better insight and understanding of the issues that need to be addressed. Whilst these events will inform our synodal submission they will also hopefully empower us to seek ways of acting in solidarity now and not just await the outcome of the synod.
We are delighted that our Lenten Journey 2022 is being co-badged by Quest and Million Minutes.
All sessions are 7-8.30pm [UK Time] and the programme is:
Wednesday 23rd February
Understanding matters LGBTQ in 2022 - some historical background for how we got here
Companion ~ James Alison
Thursday 3rd March
Inclusion and Diversity
Companion ~ Ruby Almeida
Thursday 10th March
Ministering to LGBT+ in a Parish Context
Companions ~ Fr Richard McKay and Gerard Swan
Thursday 17th March
LGBT Inclusion in Catholic Schools
Companion ~ George White
Thursday 24th March
Redeeming the Women of the Bible and Church History
Companion ~ Sr Gemma Simmonds
Thursday 31st March
Sexuality and Spirituality
Companion ~ Diarmuid O'Murchu
You can get more information on the programme, our companions, Quest and Million Minutes by downloading our Lenten Journey Overview
See a short video outlining the programme:
Click for Registration Form HERE
Everyone is welcome to join us so please share the handout and the video within your groups, parishes and dioceses.