London: The Exorcist at Farm Street Film Club

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash
When a 12 year old girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two Jesuit priests to try to save her.
It is now 50 years since this Jesuit-related classic was released! The cultural conversation around this supernatural horror film encompassing its treatment of Catholicism helped it to become the first movie of its kind to be nominated for an Oscar. Directed by William Friedkin, the film was nominated for ten awards, and won best Adapted Screenplay and Best Sound.
Critic Mark Kermode, named The Exorcist as his 'favourite film of all time', do see it to make up your own mind but prepare to be shocked!
The film is being screened in Arrupe Hall 6.30pm for 7pm on Tuesday 22 February
Cost: free with refreshments provided (donations welcome)
Save the Date: following its nationwide release on 26 March, on Thursday 31 March the Farm Street Film Club presents 'Francesco - Inspiring Hope' the new Pope Francis documentary by Oscar-nominated director Evgeny Afineevsky.
For more information email David at