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'UFO' lands in convent garden

  • Karla Baker, Harrogate News

The area is out of bounds. Image Richard Bell

The area is out of bounds. Image Richard Bell

Geologists are investigating a crater which appeared overnight in the garden of a convent in Yorkshire this week.

Mother Gloria Jimenez told ICN: "One of our sisters went out on Tuesday morning to work in the greenhouse, and nearly fell in the huge pit.

"We didn't know what to do, so we called the police. They've been very helpful.

"They've fenced off the area to make it safe and several people have come to examine the site."

A police spokesman said: "Initially it was suspected that some old mine workings had collapsed, but the engineers have inspected and there are no underground tunnels around here. Geologists have now come from the University of Bradford to assess the site."

Geologist Dr Carla Williams told ICN: "We are puzzled. Its possible there's a meteorite down there. On the other hand we are not ruling out that the crater was caused by some other unidentified flying object."

Members of the British UFO Research Association have now arrived in the village and are setting up research equipment.

UFORA scientist George Evans said: "Its a long shot, but if an alien craft has crash landed, there may be Extraterrestrials still here. We're going to collect as much evidence as we can."

Mother Gloria said: "If there are any lost Extraterrestrials out there we would be happy to welcome them."


Mill Hill Missionaries

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