Heythrop lecture: Ecumenism and the Oxford Handbook
The Heythrop College alumni association - the Heythrop Association - offers the next event in its online series on Thursday 7 April 2022 at 7pm when Mgr Paul McPartlan, Carl J Peter Professor of Systematic Theology and Ecumenism at the Catholic University of America, and a former member of Heythrop College staff, will speak on 'Ecumenism and the Oxford Handbook'.
The talk takes its cue from the publication, last year, of The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, co-edited by Paul McPartlan and Geoffrey Wainwright. It will consider how the book came to fruition in the context of the international Catholic-Methodist dialogue, and will reflect briefly on some aspects of the modern ecumenical movement, its growth, achievement and challenges, in relation to the contents of the Handbook, to which fifty scholars contributed.
The Zoom details are: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84759271658?pwd=RHI1MStYOUJ6Q2hsMGpRdmN4N2lxQT09
Meeting ID: 847 5927 1658. Passcode: 863854