Scottish Laity Network talks: Towards Pentecost 2022
John Dear, Lawrie Morgan Klein, Kim Pratt, Philippa Whitford, Sarah Augustine and Tom O'Laughlin feature in the Scottish Laity Network new series of talks entitled Towards Pentecost 2022.
Robert Burnett from SLN writes: On Sunday, in his powerful Ubi et Orbi message Pope Francis prayed for the many areas of the world where there is war, conflict and division and called us to 'be won over by the peace of Christ!' he further stated that 'Peace is possible; peace is a duty; peace is everyone's primary responsibility!'
At each session of the Scottish Laity Network's recent Lenten Journey 2022 we began by praying for the People of Ukraine and for all people who are suffering from war, violence and conflict. After spending time in prayer we recalled the words of Daniel Berrigan - Poet, Prophet and Peacemaker:
We have assumed the name of peacemakers, but we have been, by and large, unwilling to pay any significant price. And because we want the peace with half a heart and half a life and will, the war, of course, continues, because the waging of war, by its nature, is total - but the waging of peace, by our own cowardice, is partial.
In a world that is brutally divided into rich and poor, that suffers through war and violence, that fails to take the radical action to prevent climate devastation have we, the followers of Christ, been guilty of cowardice?
As we look towards Pentecost we recall the handful of women and men, who by the power of the Holy Spirit, grew into a movement who turned their world upside down [Acts 17.6]. The climate emergency and COVID have clearly shown the interconnectedness of all forms of life on our planet and the need to find radically new ways of living together in harmony with the planet and all who inhabit it. As followers of Jesus we need to return to that Gospel authenticity that turns our current world systems upside down.
As we seek to read the 'signs of the times' we are faced with the challenge of knowing who to trust when lies and deception mask and distort the truth. We do well to recall the dialogue between Jesus and Pilate about 'truth' and where we see a confrontation between the Empire's 'truth', based on injustice and lies, and the truth of Jesus.
If you make my word your home you will indeed be my disciples; you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free. [John 8:31-32]
The truth of Jesus is a liberating truth, a truth that can empower us to live as our Creator intended us to, in harmony with Mother Earth and with all who inhabit it. It will empower us to speak truth to power, to denounce injustice and expose actions that are the 'opposite of the nature of God'.
In our Towards Pentecost 2022 series we welcome a range of companions who will share with us their insights on Listening and Responding to the Cry of the Poor and the Cry of the Earth.
See the programme below:
Thursday 28 April 7pm
Faith and Politics With a particular focus on Jesus and nonviolence.
Speaker: John Dear
Thursday 5th May: 7pm
The Cry of the Poor. With a particular focus on Poverty in Scotland.
Speaker: Lawrie Morgan Klein
Thursday 12th May: 7pm
Is a Circular Economy a Way Forward?
Speaker: Kim Pratt
Thursday 19th May: 7pm
A Wellbeing Recovery from Covid.
Speaker: Philippa Whitford
Thursday 26th May: 7pm
Owning our Christian History - with a particular focus on the Doctrine of Discovery.
Speaker: Sarah Augustine
Thursday 2nd June: 7pm
The Eucharist as an Act of Political Subversion
Speaker: Tom O'Laughlin
Click to download the Programme and further details:
For Registration Form click here:
Sessions are being supported by Pax Christi Scotland, Eco Congregation Scotland, SCIAF, Laudato Si Movement and Xaverian Missionaries.